1 of 6: Trenton Vessels, 2002, White Bethel GraniteState Department Building, Trenton, NJ 2 of 6: Morning, 2002, White Bethel Granite, 5'4" x 3' x 2'6"State Department Building, Trenton, NJ 3 of 6: Noon, 2002, White Bethel Granite, 3'6" x 6' x 3'4"State Department Building, Trenton, NJ 4 of 6: Night, 2002, White Bethel Granite, 4' x 2'10½" x 2'6"State Department Building, Trenton, NJ 5 of 6: Noon, 2002, White Bethel Granite, 3'6" x 6' x 3'4"State Department Building, Trenton, NJ 6 of 6: Noon Model, 2002, Bronze16" x 30" x 15½"